Monday, February 20, 2006

I <3 smooshie face cats!

haha I do really love smooshie face cats...and I'm not even a cat person...a big difference from my love of Terrier dogs with long noses! anyway below is a picture of Chanelle & I at work...she is a Persian cat that was spayed and declawed on Friday...I carried her around the clinic in her carrier bag before she went home...she was really cute and very friendly!!

I <3 smooshie face cats!!! are Chanelle & I !!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

funny stuff

Here are some funny but true things that I found on the site:

something that Dawn & I used to do in college...I guess we would be considered "nerd whisperers":
Nerd whispers (plural noun) - Instant messages exchanged between two people in the same room who could easily be talking.

.....and then a funny list of things that the site (and I) find to be true:

5 Things That Were Cool When I Graduated High School But Aren't Now
1. Honey Brown beer
2. Bowling shoes
3. Friends (both the TV show and my actual high school friends)
4. IM names that end in "420"
5. Hand jobs
by Kate Spencer


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

great horoscope!

i like this horoscope from yesterday:

Here is your horoscope for Monday, February 13: No one's journey through life is a linear path, so don't be discouraged if you feel like you're repeating one or more sections of your travels. It just means that there's another lesson to learn on your way to success.
how true :)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cruciate surgery

So I have worked for 2 years at the clinic and have avoided cruciate surgery...until recently when I have been put into surgery with Eladio...2 weeks ago I monitored anesthesia for a cruciate surgery and just this past Thursday I scrubbed in and assisted in a cruciate surgery. I have finally gotten over my fear of this orthopedic procedure and I am proud of myself for it. Below some pictures from the surgery can be seen...beware, some of them are kind of gross, but interesting.

I also got my last Vet school rejection on Friday, from Auburn University. It was the worst rejection that I received yet- it was a photocopy of a form letter that was not even addressed to be personally and contained bad grammar. Haven't they ever heard of spell check? was a really pathetic letter. Cornell was bad too though...they didn't even have the courtesy to send a letter...they just sent a fucking e mail! That is low too- but at least it was addressed to me and was grammatically correct! Illinois & Virginia-Maryland at least had some class- personalized rejection letters that someone had actually signed. Anyway, can you tell that I am steamed like a clam about this whole Vet school thing? Now I have to figure out what I'm going to do next...

Thats it for now...enjoy the cruciate surgery pictures...

Me getting ready to assist in the cruciate surgery

prepping the leg

starting the surgery

me holding the leg

eeww I hate the IM pins

these will be the new ligaments of the knee!

crimping the new ligaments into place

Eladio & I smiling for the camera:)

surgery is almost done...


Sunday, February 05, 2006

B&E Christmas in January/ farewell TW, Sarah & Brenda party group shot!


So people were asking me to update my blog, so below are some pictures...from early January up until last weekend!

Just a quick blurb about vet school...I got my rejection from Cornell yesterday. I's their loss though, bottom line. I got rejected from Illinois a few weeks ago and a rejection from Virginia-Maryland back in November. I am still waiting on Auburn...but it's highly unlikely that I will get in there...oh well...maybe I'm just not meant to be a vet :( unfortunately unless I end up going back to Canisius either for the MS of Counseling or MS in College Student Personnel Administration, I'm going to be a vet tech as my primary job...I mean that wouldn't be so bad, don't get me wrong, as you know I love my job and the people and animals that I work with, but I don't make enough money, I depend on my overtime each week so that my paycheck will be "decent" and I am beginning to feel burnt out...oh yeah not to mention that my knee is falling apart from all of the heavy lifting and long days on my feet :( I hate to be so crude, but basically I'll be someone's bitch for the rest of my life if I don't peruse anything else...this is really disheartening considering I saw myself doing so much more in life.

Oh a positive note, I am excited b/c I leave for Florida on February 21st and I'll be gone until March 2nd!! woohoo!

That's about all for now...I'm not in the mood to write anything more or any more details! enjoy the pictures!

Tina, Ellen & I are hot!!!

aaww Sarah, PD and Brenda are so cute :)

don't Marilyn & I look hot in our blazers?!?

haha...funny group shot @ the Marriott!

Me chugging the Chardonnay (of course) "box wine" lol

Michelle chugging the Merlot "box wine" haha

cute group shot @ the Marriott!

Jayd and Marty!

gettin' silly...

Rachel & I at Buffalo Wild Wings...our favorite place to watch the Sabres games and drink LOTS of tall beers!!

awww Mike and Jayd at the bowling alley


Loki in the show exciting!

bowling in GI with Jayd & Rachel

Clio in the show ring!

one last shot of Loki!