Sunday, January 30, 2005

good quotes

I was just reading my e-mail and these few quotes were in it and I like them so I decided to share them with everyone who reads my blog...enjoy:

"The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."

"There's always a lot to be thankful for if you take time to look for it. For example I am sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt."

"If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody."

"If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague."

"Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain."

Saturday, January 15, 2005


so yeah i am feeling nostalgic this week...the picture that you see below of me & moe got me thinking...around this week of last year (2004) i was moving into moe's house, starting my last semester at medaille and starting work at b&e. i miss moe b/c she moved to las vegas and i haven't talked to her in a while, i miss being at medaille in the vet tech program and all of my friends who i don't see anymore from there and i have been at b&e for a year now so i must be doing something right! haha.

so yeah...that's really all for now...maybe i'll post some more tomorrow about my very stressful day at work on thursday and the looming approach of valentines day...blah....

This is a picture of my friend Moe (Maureen) and I from the summer that I just got from my cousin who used to work w/ Moe....she has since moved to Las Vegas and I miss her very much :(

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Where is Sicoli in 2005?

So Jeff asked the question..."Where is Sicoli in '05?" Well I am still here...I have been putting in some extra hours in at work and keeping busy with organizing things in my life such as my plans for the future and cleaning my room!

I wanted to post some pictures that I promised everyone that I would post a while back. Some are of Halloween when I was the Flying Nun, some are from the World's Largest Disco back in November, and some are of my pets, Chico the cockatiel and Travis my scottie dog, finally some are random pics from parties with my friends from Regal Cinema and my friend from work, Sarah when we posed in front of the giant blow up colon at the Erie County Fair this past this week I have been looking back, looking forward and trying to focus on the present...hope you enjoy the pictures!

From left to right: Me, Travis and Jayd at, you guessed it...the disco. I work with Jayd and Travis is her man...they are also kewl and way taller than me.

This is Tracy B and I at the disco. We work together, she is kewl too.

From left to right: Michelle, Brad and I at the disco. We all work together, we are kewl.

This is me and MaryLisa at the World's Largest Disco...we work together, she is a vet.

This is a pic of my friend Tracie Z and I at her house on Halloween...I was the Flying Nun...and see that cup in my's a homemade chalace, filled guessed it, wine...what else?

My friend Sarah and I standing in front of the giant blow-up colon at the Erie County Fair this past summer! I was way fatter in the summer than I am now so it's ok to post this it's funny!

From left to right: Matt, Cory, Me, Bree & Renny. Renny is the general manager at teh Regal that I worked at, Matt & Cory are managers there like I was and Bree used to work there too but she doesn't anymore!

My friend Cory (from Regal) and I at a party...the dude in the back is who they call "Toast."

Travis right after I cut his hair really short...I don't think he looks too you?

Travis in his Christmas sweater! (He hates it)


These are pics of Travis in my room...isn't he the cutest?

Here is a picture of my Scottish Terrier, Travis from after he had his cancerous dewclaw removed...doesn't he look pissed? He really hates the e-collar...but at least he was high on Buprenex!

My cockatiel, Chico...he is crazy, but we love him anyway!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

ciao 2004 2004 is big deal...

i was in a shitty mood and was kind of bitchy at work all week...and today was no exception...

i just wasn't feelin' the festivities even though i went to a get together at my friend joe's house...i fell asleep at 11pm and woke up at 11:55pm just in time to see the ball drop. i was going to sleep over there but i was ok to drive so i drove home at 1:30am, and now here i am posting to my blog at 2:45am.

adios 2004