THE BIG VOTE 2006!!!
So I have been hanging out with some pretty political animals lately...Scarlett is a diehard Hillary Rodham-Clinton fan (she told me) and Sam seems to support her too!
Haha...yeah so below you can see some pics of Scarlett...she put a Hillary bumper sticker on her side and then wanted me to take her and Sam wanted me to take his picture at work...just so that the Hillary bumper sticker that I have hanging in my office could be seen in the background!!
They both knew that I would be posting these pics on my I'm assuming that they must be Hillary fans!! Anyway, I am a BIG Hillary fan myself...I was sssssssssssoooooooooooooooo PISSED when some punks stole my Hillary for Senate yard sign out of my front yard, so I decided to plaster the windows of my bedroom with Hillary propaganda...I call it "The Windows of Hillary." Pictures of the windows can also be seen below.
So yeah other than this election day stuff there hasn't been that much going on with me. I still like my job and things are falling into place, well kind of. Anyway, I have been going to Sabres games, hanging out at Alternative Brews with the girls (that place ROCKS...and so does JJ Swing...their live horn section is AWESOME!!, they are my new favorite local band!!). I also hung out with my twin (H) last Friday...we haven't seen each other in a long while so it was very fun...I definately drank wayyyy too many Blue Moons w/ oranges!! I forgot my camera so there are no new twin photos to post :____( The hot guy from the Friday before didn't show up...or maybe he did...we said 7pm and we ended up getting there at like 9:30pm...oh well!!
I think thats all for life is actually kind of boring except for a few bursts of excitement (or aggrevation) that come along...sorry it's taken me so long to post I said nothing is really going on. I did have to post for election day though...GO BLUES...DOWN WITH THE REDS...they are Lame-O! Hope you voted (Democrat) today!! (I'm kidding...actually voted for a few Republicans today myself!)...Until next time....
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