so yeah today was my birthday. my grandparents, aunt, uncle and brother came over to eat dinner w/ my parents and i. it was fun and the food was great...i slipped a bit on my weight watchers...oops!
this past week has been really stressful is why:
1) on monday my great aunt liz died of
MERSA and on thursday right after work i had to go to her wake. i also weighed in on mon at weight watchers and found out that i only lost 0.6 lbs the week before. least it was not a gain.
2) on tuesday i came into work and i heard that one of the dogs i had treated the saturday
before had died on monday night, possibly from leptospirosis. this is the disease
that dogs in the area have been getting from rodents. this dog from saturday needed an
IV catheter and so i put it in and blood poured all over my hands which i have open cuts
on. so when i found this info out that the dog had died and that they sent out lepto titers
to cornell to test for lepto i flipped out. (FYI- Lepto is deadly to humans too) i called my
mom who called my doctor and he said that he wanted to see me that afternoon at 3:15.
my boss seemed kinda pissed that i needed to leave work and then come back (i was
working 7am-8:30pm), i left anyway. i wasn't taking a chance w/ this nasty disease! so
i went to the doctor and he prescribed doxycillin 100mg twice daily for a week. then
i had to drive back to work and finish my shitty day. these
pills have also kinda been making me sick. but anyway, on thursday the lepto titer came
back and the dog was positive for 3 strains of lepto so i'm glad that i'm on the antibiotics.
3) on wednesday physics was really bad...i can't understand anything in that damn class!
organic chem is getting harder too...BLAH. i also went to my friend cory's birthday party. it was outside w/ a bonfire and everything. it was very fun, but i had to leave early b/c i had work in the morning...blah...there were also some hot guys there and i couldn't stay long enough to get to know them...blah.
4) on thursday i was the first one into work at 6:50am. when i walked in i noticed that the
pump in the isolation area was beeping and the cage door was open, but there was no
dog. i read the cage tag and learned that the dog was a rottie and he had parvo, which is
a nasty disease that puppies get that causes lots of nasty and distinct smelling
diarrhea. so needless to say, the dog busted out of its kennel and had nasty diarrhea,
vomit and urine all over the hospital. i found the dog in the kitchen and i called him into
the isolation area and he came and i told him to get into his kennel and he did. by that
time another tech had came in and we started cleaning. blah. so then i was in surgery
that day and it went on forever. then after work i had my great aunt's wake. then i came
home and had to do homework! aahh! i was going to call into work that morning b/c i felt
barfy but i didn't...i will follow my gut feeling from now on b/c thurs sucked!
5) on friday i had school and then a physics tutoring session. blah. my dinner at applebees
with my parents was good though. i also went shopping w/ them for a new tv and dvd
recordable player for my room for my birthday...we didn't buy either yet...we are going to
compairison shop.
6) on saturday i was the first one into work again. when i got there at 6:50am i checked on
all of the animals on the dog side and was going to start drawing up the drugs for their
treatments. when i looked in on this one golden retriever she didn't look right. i opened
the cage checked her reflexes and asculted (listened to) her heart and lungs w/ my
stethoscope. she was dead. i flipped out, but then i realized that she was dead and
there was nothing that i could do. what a shitty way to start a morning. after work i went
to dsw shoes and got an $70 pair of adidas sneakers for like $40 after all my coupon
savings which was kewl. they are really comfortable.
7) now i am back to my birthday. i ended up throwing up after dinner b/c of
the damn antibiotics. blah. oh yeah and then last week my grandfather failed a stress test and had to go to buffalo general for an angiogram and then had surgery to put a stint in one of his arteries which was 99% blocked. he goes back next week for one stint in another artery that is 85% blocked. blah! and i wonder why i have been such a bitch lately (well more bitchy than usual i should that's it for now though!