Wednesday, September 29, 2004

this week is better

this week is going better. my weight loss is up to 31.9 pounds. i lost 2 pounds last week! woohoo. must have been all of the stress or something. anyway this week is going way better than last week.

i got interviewed yesterday afternoon by a reporter from the Tonwanda News about leptospirosis and how I was exposed to it. (Please see my Sept. 26, 2004 entry for the details about my exposure.) The reporter also took my picture w/ a cute bulldog named Molly that happened to be at the clinic yesterday. So the article and my picture showed up today on the front page of the Tonawanda News...aaahhhh. Here is a link to a shortened version of the article on the Tonawanda News Website:

this is weird b/c i was on the front page of the paper 10 years ago, when i was 14. a reporter came to kiwanis park in lewiston when i was participating in the lewiston recreation program there. i was doing arts and crafts when a reporter came a took a picture of myself and one of the counselors. the counselor and i were also quoted in the article. it was pretty kewl. i think that i have gotten more than the standard "15 minutes of fame" already in my life...haha.


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