Cute puppies...
So anyway the puppies in the picture below belong to Jeanne, one of the veterinarians that I work with...the 2 pups get along really well...the picture was taken yesterday while I was at work, I look like crap but they are cute and that's all that matters...
Loki is a little bit older than Clio...and he is my second favorite dog on the planet (he takes second place b/c my dog, Travis, holds first place)...he is very loveable and cute...the picture doesn't get you to see all of his cuteness. He is also a showdog now which is very kewl.
Clio is the younger puppy...she is so cute...I like how she looks like a miniture bull terrier adult dog (think the dog from Target... or Spuds MacKenzie if you recall the 80's)...she likes to nibble on fingers and cuddle. When she gets older she might be a showdog too, but I don't know...I guess her father was a grand champion or something which is super kewl.
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