Thursday, July 22, 2004

mooch lives!

so i called the clinic today and mooch is ok.  i hope that they figure out what is wrong w/ her...she is such a cute and friendly kitten!  she is a  medium (length) hair cream color w/ a puffy tail, and a half grey, half cream/tan muzzle area...and she has blue eyes...ultimate cuteness!  anyway i am so glad that she made it through the night.  the doctors seem to think that she has FIP (feline infectious peritonitis) or toxoplasmosis (cat scratch fever...the one pregnant women can get if they come into contact w/ cat feces), so the future may not be so bright for poor mooch...
i work tomorrow 12-8:30pm though so i guess maybe i'll see what is going on w/ her and see if they know anything more...

so today i had 2 cavities in one of my molars filled...i go back on aug 3 to get the other 2 cavities filled in another molar.  my dentist couldnt do them all today b/c i have TMJ and cannot have my mouth opened for long periods of time for dental work.  so yeah...the novocaine didn't kick in right away so they gave me after a while my whole right side of my face was numb, including my nose and right eye! wore off hours later.

then i went to the optometrist for my eye appointment.  turns out that i need glasses for seeing up close now too...eerr.  i picked out these really kewl DKNY square frames which should be in early next week so we will see how it goes...that's really all for now...



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