seizures suck
yeah so tonight i was the only technician left at the clinic along with danielle, an assistant who is also a vet student, kim who is a receptionist and marylisa, a veterinarian.
danielle and i had just finished mopping and kim came in the back and told me that this kitten who is staying at the clinic had some blood in his IV line. i thought nothing of it as this happens sometimes and is normal, but i figured i'd check it out before leaving anyway. danielle was holding the kitten and i was flushing the line w/ heparin (to break up the clots in the line) and fluids.
the line was still ok so i was all ready to tape the line to the kitten's leg when she went all stiff and a second later started having a seizure. i got the oxygen hooked up and ran to get marylisa to see how much valium (an anti seizure med) i should give the kitten while danielle did some chest compressions. by the time marylisa came over the kitten was on oxygen and was somewhat stable. marylisa told me how much valium to give and i gave it and then everything was ok. the people had no money to transfer the kitten to the emergency clinic so it has to stay at our clinic overnight. good thing there is a technician who lives upstairs who will be monitoring her overnight.
i'm going to call tomorrow and see how the kitten is since i am off. oh yeah the kitten's name is mooch be the way. i'll keep ya posted...
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