new house...and peaceful endings
my degus, rocco & vinnie finally have a new house...they were living in a 15 gallon regular height aquarium...and now thanks to my friend and co-worker gretchen, the boys now call a 30 gallon high aquarium home! the extra height will prevent escapes...b/c if they escape they will literally chew the whole house down!
anyway...gretchen used to have lizards and they lived in this tank. she doesn't have the lizards anymore and doesn't need the tank so she gave it to me. it even came with a wire screen cover. it's nice. so tonight i scrubbed it all up and put all of their stuff in it. the boys love it...they have so much room to move and jump, etc, it's great.
on another note, i rented the movie "the butterfly effect" tonight on dvd. it was a kewl movie but it was disturbing at times. i won't give away any details though to those who want to see it. the dvd has 2 versions of the movie on it: the directors cut and the theatrical cut. the only thing that is different between the 2 are the ending scenes. overall a kewl concept.
to at work we had to put: 2 basset hounds from the same family to sleep (long story), a 15 year old boston terrier to sleep who was dyspnic and a 15 year old scottish terrier (*sob*) to sleep who had chf(congenital heart failure) with a palpable thrill (a heart murmur so bad that it can be felt from the outside of the body).
i just couldn't help with the scottie...her name was judy. it was upsetting. very. i shed a few tears.
(**for those of you who don't know i own a 13 year old scottish terrier named travis**)
euthanasia best thing for this dog though, but even though i knew that i just kept thinking of my own dog...
i'm glad that i wasn't able to do it shows that i haven't become cold and detached about and from the whole process...
on a side note...another person my age got married today, a (used to be)friend from high school. i wasn't invited. this is prob b/c of an e mail mishap which involved the sending of an e mail not intended for this now married friend straight to her e mail box! oops! my bad. i hate when people don't have aol...then you can't unsend stuff to them...eerr.
my single time clock, on the other hand, is still ticking full force ahead and has been for 3 years now...
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