Wednesday, August 31, 2005

i love nerds...maybe...

so yeah, last night after work i went out w/jayd and rachel and rachel's boyfriend to jt's. it was fun. i wore my "i <3 nerds" t-shirt and got a lot of comments about it. one cute bartender was like "does it count that i used to be a nerd in high school?" this other guy who was weird was like "i am wearing glasses, does that make me a nerd?" i should edit the shirt though and make it say this: "i <3 attractive, funny, nice, male nerds." some of the guys that were checking me out were super scary, that is always the case though, no matter what damn shirt i wear.

anyway...we also saw the guy from saturday that had started dancing w/ me and spilled his beer on me and hit me in the head with the bottle...haha... then, this dude that i used to work with at another job before the animal clinic, started talking to me. then he started getting all weird and hitting on me, so i spent the remainder of the night avoiding him b/c he was really freaking me out. then, as we were leaving, this random guy starts yelling "he's a nerd" and points to his we start talking, his name was john (i can't believe that i actually remembered that!) but nothing came of it, we said goodbye very soon after we started talking. so that's about it...

i now have a very sore throat and am sick so i am grouchy...but the events of last night really make me want to laugh!


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