Monday, December 06, 2004


so this week i lost another 5 lbs (i gained for the past 2 weeks...a total of 2 lbs) and now i'm at 43.6 for total weight loss. i'm fitting into clothes that i wore in late high school, early canisius. it's kinda kewl. so that is going good.

on another note, the semester is almost over, thank god. my organic final is on the 14th and my physics final is on the 16th. eek. i have an A in organic right now and a B-/C+ in physics.
i'm also glad that it's almost over b/c i slipped this hot guy in my class my phone # on friday and i don't think that was such a good idea. we didn't talk at all today. i always manage to fuck things like that up. i used to think my being bold was a good thing. maybe it was back in high school, but i'm not so sure if it is now...i'm so confused...


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