Monday, July 25, 2005

being spontaneous...

before I is a very funny website that you all should visit: Store Wars

so I decided to update y'all again on what is going on in my Friday (7/22) I worked 7-2...I worked on one surgical patient and it took the whole morning...this dog, Princess, had her dewclaws removed, had a OVH (she was spayed) and had her entropion condition repaired. Entropion is when the skin around the eyes folds in and irritates the can cause corneal ulcers and is the doctor cut some skin away and sutured it, etc so hopefully it will heal ok...

anyway while the surgery was going on Jeanne came in and said that she was going to do a C-section that after the surgery on Princess was done I started setting up for the C-section...which is by the way my favorite surgical procedure to assist with! I got everything all set and the dog, Abby, came in...she was a very cute and sweet natured Norwich Terrier who was also very we got her down and on the table, and Jeanne let her owner come in the back during the surgery which was kewl. There were only 3 puppies (1 boy, 2 girls) and we were able to revive them and they started squeeking, etc...I was getting a little scared though because the puppy that I was working on was the last one born and took the longest to start squeeking. so it turned out Friday was a GREAT day at work b/c all I did was surgery stuff which is my favorite!!!

then Friday night was awesome too...I went to the Brighton Field Days with Michelle and we saw a bunch of the girls from work there...we drank lots of beer (we were buying them by the 6 pack) and were jamming to the live bands...and then I saw a hot guy from across the my friend Rachel dragged me over to him and we started talking. Rachel walked away and then the dude stopped talking...and just as I was about to walk away from him and go back to chill with the girls, this guy came up to me and started talking. his name is Matt...and we hit it off, we exchanged numbers and he said that he would call me the next day and we left it at that, b/c by that time everyone was calling over to me and saying it was time to leave. I was too trashed to drive so I slept at Michelle's...and then...

Saturday morning I felt really crappy and I had to go to a Tim Horton's coffee and chocolate chip muffin were just what I needed...I was on the cat side and we were EXTREMELY busy...a cat came in that needed a debridement b/c of an abscess and maggots infesting its whole head...Jeanne let me take care of this case on my own...the cat had anesthesia and then I cleaned and shaved and flushed the whole was really kewl...most of the time the techs don't get to do what we are qualified to do, so I was happy when Jeanne let me take care of this cat...and then we had 2 animals that needed barium series and one of them, a cat, turned out to be an exploratory surgery. When Jeanne cut open the cat's stomach, she pulled out a huge was so big and coiled on itself that we could feel it through the abdomen while I was shaving and prepping the cat for surgery. In addition to this we were seeing regular office calls w/ vaccines and stuff like that...I was glad that I was busy though b/c it kept me awake...then after work I babysat Nicole & Julia in Canada till like midnight...I was like falling asleep the whole time! Matt, the guy from the night before called me and we made arrangements to get together later on Sunday

Then Sunday I slept till 12:30pm then I made Loki (one of Jeanne's dogs) a birthday cake (check my march 4, 2005 entry for a picture of Loki)...he will be 1 on Monday...and I figured I'd make his cake early since I was going to Jeanne's house for dinner. I ended up making a chocolate cake to bring to dinner too and it actually turned out good. So around 5 I got to Jeanne & Scott's house, Jess (a tech I work with) and her husband, Shawn were also there and we ate dinner and hung out. We had fun playing with the dogs and kids and Jeanne showed me all of the stuff I need to know for when I house/ petsit for them in August. I didn't end up leaving until like 10:30pm.

so that's it for now...I will post pictures very soon, I promise...I have like 1 more picture to use up on my camera before I get it developed...ciao for now...


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