me & my random thoughts...
so yeah my life is pretty boring. i work full time as a veterinary technician and then i come home to eat and sleep. wow. i can't hold back the excitement. at least now i get to go out once and a while. usually i'm the one standing around while my friends are making connections w/ people they are attracted to. i just don't have the motovation to even talk to guys, and life is short. if i am going to talk to someone or take an interest in them it better be worth it. i'm not going to be in one of those situations again where i date someone for a long time and then it just ends. no way.
so i know lots of people who are gay or lesbian. i think it's a trend today. more people are experimenting and deciding that they like what they are experiencing. some people say that they are born gay/ lesbian and never chose to have the sexual preferences that they do. who knows...maybe it is a factor of genetics. i know people on both sides of the issue.
people are dumb. that is re-affirimed on a daily basis for me at work especially. it was really apparent when i was working at the veterinary emergency clinic but i still see it in private practice. i don't just mean that the pet owners are stupid, some of the employees are too. i know i act stupid sometimes, everyone does, and everyone makes mistakes, but i try not to do it on a regular basis. eeekkk.
so i am reviewing for my veterinary technology state boards that are being held on fri (6/18) in syracuse, and i am getting all of the questions wrong. if i don't pass ( passing is a 75%) i don't have a job anymore, and that also means that i don't have health insurance, but i usually work well under pressure so maybe i'll pass...
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