i have seen it all...
this adkins thing has gone way too far...
low carb potatoes
people need to lay off the low carb thing and just eat smaller portions of the foods that they like. low carb products taste like cardboard. also eating all meats and cheeses is soooo bad for you. hello triple bypass! for people that have high cholesterol like myself, the adkins diet is a death sentance. what is even more scary is that it can cause one to have high cholesterol...eekkk.
i have to admit, a few years back, before i knew that my cholesterol was 300, i tried adkins. i felt like i was going to die. i had no energy, so i stopped doing it. the theories behind it are neat, making the body's krebs cycle work for weight loss. using the body's fat instead of the carb sugars for energy. but all of this is garbage because it's not a healthy lifestyle. also, who the hell can stay on this type of regime for life? because for true weight loss and maintence to occur, one must change the way that they eat for life! the whole weight problem in america is because the size of the portions that we all eat are way too big. i'm cutting down on how much i eat and it's been working wonders...and i get to eat carbs! my cholesterol is also down from 300 to 223!
the article is pretty interesting overall though, talking about how carrots have only been orange for like 400 years, and how if they brought back the other carrot colors like red & purple it would add certain nutrients to our diets. you have to be careful w/ the purple carrots though...the purple is water soluable...
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